Saturday, May 10, 2008

A few random sketches~

First off, a fanart of a character in one of the shows I worked on. It might not be recognizable as her; I didn't use the style of the show, xD But here it is, Maurecia from Wayside. People who recognize the show are probably going WTF right now xD rofl.

And now for some Katalyst tidbits~

More character costume design for Ce'Fae.. Tempted to change her name suddenly Random spontaneous doodle >D~ *checks database cause I suck at remembering names of my own chars* ;;; .. and apparently another name I want to change Qamaris (insert last name) D: oh gawd. And he's supposed to be a secondary main character too ._. Anyways he's that blue haired kid I'd posted a pic (I think) sometime ago back on LJ. *checks*. oh forgot all the pics got deleted when my webhost went down
And an extra tidbit since I couldnt' find the kiddy pic of Q.. I like that letter, maybe I'll keep it when I do change his name

Wow would you look at the date on this one X_x 2005 I need an archive @_@

** Side note >_> I wonder whether there's an LJ-cut function to blogger. Suddenly regretting somewhat I'd branched from LJ. Maybe I'll start cross posting @_@

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